Cigar Cutters touch the head of the cigar that will touch your mouth; so they must be kept clean. Tobacconists must have sanitary procedures in place to keep cutters clean and protect their customers. Every day customers put a cigar in their mouth and then ask for a cut or cutter. The easiest solution for retail Tobacconists is to have two cutter options on hand: a ‘Clean’ cutter and a ‘Saliva’ cutter. The Clean Cutter should never be used on a saliva tainted cigar. The Saliva Cutter can be used on the saliva tainted cigar and sterilized quickly with hand sanitizer afterwards.
Standard hand sanitizing gels can be used to sanitize a Cigar Cutter and blade. Simply use your hands or a paper towel to carefully coat the cutter with sanitizing gel, remove excess, and allow to dry for a few minutes.
All Cigar Cutters need an occasional cleaning as tobacco and oils accumulate. Often, the debris and oil can inhibit the cutting and/or movement of the blades. To clean blades, apply a solution of warm water and antibacterial soap with a cotton swab or cloth, then wipe dry. Also, remove any tobacco and debris from the cutter’s frame.
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