Upselling is a sales technique whereby the seller induces the customer to purchase additional or more profitable items. For a retail tobacconist, upselling can be the difference between success and failure. Competing with the internet, mail order, and discount warehouses is extremely difficult, but an additional $50 a day in upsells will yield an extra $18,000 a year and this pays a lot of bills!

Ultimately, customers who have been prompted to purchase an extra cigar, cutter, or lighter will come back and express their satisfaction at having bought that extra product. Often the upsell is the tactic which introduces the customer to the new cigar or product they didn't know they wanted. Upselling will help your customers discover new things, give them a "bonus" feeling, and make their purchase more exciting. So, don't be afraid to ask. You have to ask!
-Have you seen this?
-Have you tried this new cigar?
-Do you need a cutter with that?
-Would you like a humidification pouch?
And don't be afraid to suggest a new product:
-If you like that cigar, then you will love this one...
-I know you love that cigar, but I think this one will be a great follow up to it...
-This just came in and all of the Tobacconists are going crazy for it...
Upselling is crucial to our businesses and we must train, practice, and reinforce the process. Train your tobacconists to upsell, give them incentives, and create a culture of upselling in your stores and your customers will thank you for it! And your business will prosper more because of it!