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Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Tobacconist Magazine Article

After months of research, travel, and writing, Greg Girard has written the most comprehensive article ever written about Tobacconist University (TU).  Mr. Girard, the editor of Tobacconist Magazine, interviewed TU Founder Jorge Armenteros and has managed to capture and convey the personality, character, and passion behind Tobacconist University.  While TU has over 1300 certified tobacconists and apprentices today, its humble beginnings started in a small retail location in Princeton, New Jersey in 1995.  Mr. Girard traveled to Princeton to interview Mr. Armenteros at the place where TU started and the story begins.

"Jorge Armenteros is the implacable force behind the only accreditation program for tobacconists. We take a look at how Tobacconist University got its start some 12 years ago and where it will be going in the next decade."

Mr. Armenteros states "... its a great privilege for the president of Tobacconist University to be interviewed by the editor of Tobacconist Magazine.  While I am thrilled to have our story told and be on the front cover, I only wish that we could have had a group photo of our 1300 plus certified tobacconists and apprentices on the cover instead.  TU is not about me and never will be.... its much bigger than that.  And if I do my job right it will outlive us all and continue to help preserve and support the luxury tobacco industry for generations to come".

This rare interview is published in the Sept/Oct issue of Tobacconist Magazine and is also being made available to the public on the Tobacconist Magazine website:  if you are interested in the past, present, and future of Tobacconist University, this is a must read!

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