
Tobacconist University
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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Certified Tobacconist Impressions

The first step towards acceptance and credibility is to build awareness. A decade ago I had people laugh at me when I told them I was a ‘Tobacconist’. And, the society we live in barely recognizes us as a legitimate profession – most days they treat us like criminals. So, awareness is the first step towards carving out a respectable niche in our society.
Tobacconist University exists largely to build awareness and credibility for the luxury tobacco industry. While many more consumers visit TU than Tobacconists, we consider every impression we make a positive Certified Tobacconist Impression (CTI). CTI are created every time a consumer visits TU, thinks about TU, mentions TU to a friend, or says the words ‘Tobacconist University’. CTI are created every time TU helps somebody refill their lighter, learn how to cut their cigar, season their humidor, and enhances their appreciation of luxury tobacco: always educating and enhancing appreciation under the umbrella of “Tobacconist University”.
Ultimately, if you had to distill down the priceless value of TU into something quantifiable, you could think in terms of Certified Tobacconist Impressions (CTI). After all, you need something to measure and strive for when you are trying to change the culture and fighting for your freedoms. Knowing this, TU regards every Tobacconist Certification with extreme reverence. Every TU Certified Tobacconist goes into the world creating thousands of Certified Tobacconist Impressions per year; by showing customers and civilians that we are legitimate, valuable professionals. Every time a Certified Tobacconist mentions Certification, or shows their lapel pin, or posts their Certified Logo, an impression is made. Every time a human being thinks about Tobacconists as professionals a positive impression is made. In fact, every Certified Tobacconist creates between 15,000 (lazy Tobacconist) and 50,000 (not lazy) Certified Tobacconist Impressions (CTI) a year (conservatively estimated). At this rate just one thousand Certified Tobacconists can create 50 MILLION positive impressions per year. Ultimately, this simple notion of projecting and leveraging our credibility through Certified Tobacconist Impressions (CTI) is a big part of how we will “preserve luxury tobacco for generations to come”: one Tobacconist at a time, one impression at a time.

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